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Paraffin Oil


Paraffin Wax


Paraffin Wax


What is paraffin? What is the effect of paraffin wax?

Paraffin is the general name for a group of alkane hydrocarbons, a refined petroleum substance with a large molecular weight with the general formula CnH2n+2, first discovered in the 19th century by chemist Carl Reichenbach. Paraffin exists in two forms: liquid (Paraffin oil) and solid (Paraffin wax/Paraffin Wax).

Paraffin is a white, odorless, tasteless, waxy solid that is sensitive to other colors. People took advantage of this color sensitivity and created paraffin candles with many different colors.

Paraffin has a high heat capacity, melting point of 55 – 60 degrees Celsius. The temperature of the hot paraffin block decreases very slowly so it can transfer a large amount of heat to the body for a relatively long time. The heat provided by paraffin is moist heat, meaning that when the hot paraffin piece is pressed into contact with the skin, it will stimulate increased sweating, but this sweat still remains, making the skin moist, soft and increased elasticity.

Paraffin is indicated for pain relief, muscle relaxation, chronic inflammation, peripheral vasodilation, increased local circulation…

Due to its water-retaining and moisturizing properties, liquid paraffin wax helps maintain skin moisture and makes cosmetic products smoother and easier to apply to the skin. It is commonly used in lotions, lipsticks, anti-chafing creams and other skin care products.



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